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Host a Fundraiser


·Any event or promotion that involves the name of Kentucky River Child Advocacy and/or The Care Cottage must be approved in advance by The Care Cottage at least one month prior to the event. 


·A "Third Party Event Registration Form" must be completed and submitted to the Care Cottage's Executive Director before such approval can be granted. We will get back to you within five business days. Please submit the form as least 30 days before your fundraising event. 


·Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) encourages you or your organization to send press releases and produce other publicity. Before sending out a press release, media alert, advertisement, or other form of publicity to any media outlet, please submit all copy/design by email to the Executive Director.


·Publicity may not suggest that the event is being sponsored or co-sponsored by The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) or that the advocacy center is involved in any way except as the beneficiary. The suggested way to describe The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) involvement is to list the event by name followed by “benefitting The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) through…..” It is our understanding that 100% of the net proceeds will be donated to The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage). We reserve the right to examine any involvement of any other charity or suggested split of proceeds.


·The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) are not responsible for planning, executing or staffing third party events.


·The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) reserves the right to use photos and information about third party events for use in publications, social media, and other materials.


·All funds raised from the proposed event must be sent within 10 days of the event to The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) 45 Cedar Street, Hazard, KY 41701.

There are some events that we cannot approve including activities that require any of the following:


  • Require any financing from The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage). The sponsor must assume all costs of the event.


  • Compete or conflict with an already established or scheduled event to benefit The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage).


  • Fail to comply with any municipal, county, state, and/or federal law.


Please note that The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) cannot assume any liability for your event.


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The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) is unable to provide volunteers and staff for the purpose of the event. However, a representative of The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) may attend the event, based on availability.



The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) mailing lists, including donor lists are confidential and maintained for our use only and cannot be used to promote your event.



The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) logo may only be used if the sponsoring organization has received prior approval from the Executive Director. We may supply a print-ready or electronic logo upon request.



The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) may provide a banner to hang or stand during the event, depending on availability. The banner should be returned to The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) as soon as possible after the event, but within 10 business days after the event.



The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) cannot assist with ticket sales. Tickets may not be sold on The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) premises, but may be made available for pick up at The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage).



Your event may be posted on both The Kentucky River Child Advocacy Center (Care Cottage) webpage and Social Media pages.


465 Cedar Street

Hazard, KY 41701

Phone: (606) 487-9173

Fax: (606) 487-9171

Contact Us


© 2013 KRCAC-Care Cottage

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